The Saver's Credit

The Savers

The saver’s credit rewards low- and middle-income retirement savers who contribute money into their IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, etc. The break of up to $2,000 for joint filers and $1,000 for others is capped at 50%, 20% or 10% of payins, depending on adjusted gross income. For 2023, it fully phases out at AGIs over $36,500 for singles, $54,750 for household heads and $73,000 for joint filers.

In the Future

These savers will see a different benefit beginning in 2027. The current credit will be replaced with a 50% government match on up to $2,000 of payins per person, with the amount contributed into the saver’s retirement account. The income levels to qualify for the match aren’t slated to increase, other than with inflation.

Danielle LaFace